Quality Assurance​

Ensuring to meet the customers’ requirements of good quality is a core value at Spica. We maintain stringent quality control norms with pre-production tests of raw material, continuous in process checks and post production testing in our in-house laboratory. This ensures high quality and defect free goods sold to the customer.

Green Initiatives

Spica understands the need to be environment friendly and at the same time the need to reduce its carbon footprint. Spica promotes the use of recycled and eco-friendly yarns and encourages all stake holders to help in conserving the environment.

Spica does not use any hazardous chemicals or ozone depleting substances in the manufacturing process. Spica emphasises with all its suppliers that the yarns used in the process are made under Zero liquid discharge facilities. The management actively works on reducing wastage, reuses most of the packaging material and avoids using one-time use plastic material.